Boise, Idaho

My first attempt made me realize how attentive I need to be in any given city, inasmuch as I need to ask for advice from local residents else I venture into the unknown.  Like any city, Boise was full of sounds - but I was and still am in my infancy in realizing the potential sound of each destination.

It was rather difficult to find sounds in Boise other than the typical busy intersection or babbling brook.  I've decided to discard the idea of a "list" of things to record, and instead, attempt to find idiosyncratic sounds to the particular city.

Description of Sounds:

1.) Tires on a Retrofit Bridge
What really caught my attention was the rhythm associated with the tires hitting the gaps in the bridge.  You'll also hear some tires that are 'stickier' than others, along with the twangs and ticks of particular cars.

2.) Idling bus
There is much more to an idling bus sound than imagined.  This one apparently needs a slight adjustment making the idle jump up and down a bit.  I did think it was strange that the bus mentioned something about being "environmentally friendly" when the fact is, it sat there idling for well over 10 minutes.  The birds, talking people and whooshing cars nearby are unaware of any pollutionary wrongdoing.

3.)  Walking Downtown
Simply enough, I put my recorder in the pocket of my knapsack, and walked down the street.  It's a beautiful sunny early afternoon, and clips of lunch conversation and the slow movement of vehicles breathe life without worry.

4.)  Coffee Shop Conversations
Among the sounds of carafes being banged about, and strange surreal background music, a girl reads a poem for her friend, while 2 young boys make strange sounds with their strange brains.

5.)  Caught with my concealed recorder
Walking into a pub, getting my I.D. checked, a bouncer asks what's in my pocket.